The weather is getting warming and we all want to ride our bikes.
I love to ride and race, but I am also a mum to three kids.
As a bike-loving Mummy, I am very excited that the time has come where we can all ride our bikes together! The organisation and effort required to get three kids and their bikes, helmets, shoes, food and water out of the house can be quite an exhausting process. With planning and organisation it is achievable.
When can you all ride together?
Once your kids are about one year old, you can start to go on family rides, with the baby in a bike seat or a trailer.
Once they are about two years old, they can ride by themselves, or sit in the bike trailer.
I was lucky enough to experience our first family ride as a family of five on the weekend.
Our youngest baby is 11 months old and can hold his own head up long enough to sit in the baby seat.
We have a
Mini Yepp, which mounts on the front of the bike. You can buy them from
99 Bikes (click here) and
Pushys (click here).
We also have a
trailer, but found that when our other kids sat in it and were too young, they would flop sideways or pull off their helmets. So you’d always be looking behind you to check on them while riding. The Mini Yepp solves that problem. If you are keen on a trailer though, both
99 bikes (click) and
Pushys (click) sell them.
Master F is five, and he has a 18 inch BYK bike, Miss T is three and she rides a First Bike balance bike (and a hand me down pedal bike, but the balance bike is much easier on family rides). We managed a flat ride of about 5 km and it took about 1 hour.
The rides aren’t fast and there are often crashes, tears and a lot of band-aids.
Organising all our bike stuff
Prior to having kids our garage provided a home to 15 bikes. Each of them lovingly cleaned, maintained and stored.
Since having kids, our riding time has diminished, and so has the number of our bikes. But instead of creating more room in the garage, we actually have more stuff. Each of the kids have bikes of their own and helmets, gloves, camelbaks etc.
Photo: Our storage solution and helmets on the garage wall.
Photo: Our riding camelbaks hanging on the wall.To make it easier to find everyones bike gear, I mounted the helmets on the wall with containers underneath for gloves, spare tubes, tyre levers etc.
Bike shoes are stored on the shelf. I put hooks up for our camelbaks and the kids safety vests. The bikes are stored on the wall and on bike stands. All the gear needed to ride is easy to see and find. Finding the kids is a little more difficult…
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Tags: Riding with kids, Organising bike gear