Anaconda Adventure Race Results
11 Sep 2011 Filed in:
MultisportWhat a great weekend to hang out on the Gold Coast and do an Adventure Race. The weather was warm, but not too hot.
Check out the Anaconda Rapid Ascent website for details of the race:
Our team assembled in the morning of the race ready to have fun and smash ourselves. We raced in a team of 4 (Team name - A young 'un, 2 old farts and a banshee) and finished up 8th in our category. It was a tough race for each of us. Detailed results can be found here:
Chris the Swimmer did well, doing the 1.9km swim in the ocean in about 37 minutes. He had to run for a bit in the sand too, which would have been hard work.
Photo Below: In this photo, Chris hands over the timing band to Gary.

Gary the Paddler. Gaz smashed out the the 15km ocean and river kayak leg in about 1:47 minutes.
Photo Below: Gaz paddling to the transition point

Colin the Runner: Colin did the 12.5km run in 1:16 minutes.
I finished up with the 18 km MTB leg. I did it in 1:18. It was steep and tough. Some of the climbs were completely unrideable. So steep! But I keep on top of it, and tried not to let them beat me. There was a stupid creek crossing near the finish, which was quite deep. I got stuck in it for a good few minutes. Almost completely going under water into the slushy mud and reeds. It was stinky and really gross.
Photo Below: Taking off on the MTB ride

Photo Below: Then we all ran 2km together to the finish line.

Photo Below: The team after the race

Photo Below: Overall results below

Photo: My individual mountain bike leg results.

Tags: Multisport